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Seattle, Washington


 Psychotherapy, Consultation and Clinical Supervision


My name is Barb Morgan and I've been a therapist in Seattle working with individuals in all stages of adulthood for over 30 years.  I believe that we all come into this life to become our fullest and most authentic selves.  There is a natural gradient in each of our psyches that urges us toward this end.

My commitment as a therapist is to listen deeply to each individual’s inborn urges toward their own unique wholeness and in so doing to act as witness, guide and companion in their journey toward it.  

The Power of Listening 

“Listening is the oldest and perhaps the most
powerful tool of healing.

It is often through the quality of our listening
 and not the wisdom of our words
that we are able to effect the most profound
changes in people around us. 
When we listen, we offer with attention an
opportunity for wholeness.”

Rachel Naomi Remen

 Philosophy "How I Work"          Bio          Contact and Fee Information          Eldersoul